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Privacy policy

Have you ever found yourself with questions about your privacy? Do you feel concerned when sharing information online? Worry no more! Here at our company, we understand the need for well maintained privacy. Whenever you reach us either by phone, email or instant messaging systems, rest assured that we take safety and security seriously! All personal data that is gathered will be used with the utmost caution, so you can feel comfortable knowing that your contact with us is safe and secure.

What we collect from our customers?

  • Name and Address
  • contact information such as email and contact number

At our removal company, we understand that your personal data is important and should be treated with the utmost respect. As such, we have a comprehensive privacy policy in place to ensure that all of your data remains as safe as possible.

Firstly, when using our website you may submit information to us via an enquiry form which includes details such as your name, email address, telephone number and postcode. This information is collected exclusively for contact purposes surrounding the enquiry at hand – it is never shared or used for any other purpose without prior consent from you.

We also store details about your interactions with us through our call centre in clinics or online; this could be recordings of calls or notes taken during conversations and logs containing phone numbers used etc. For certain services we offer (where required by law or company policy), copies of documents proving age and/or identity may also have to provided – these are then securely stored within our systems if necessary. Payment details are similarly kept securely too so there’s no need to worry about safety here either!

Finally, information regarding visits to our websites including how you arrived on the page, what was clicked on/viewed, time spent etc may also be collected for analytical purposes but these activities remain completely anonymous unless otherwise specified by yourself – think sharing some info with friends on social media! We use this sort of info primarily so that we can make more helpful suggestions whenever relevant; helping you quickly find what you’re looking for during future visits!

Ultimately then; rest assured knowing that here at Excellent movers company, your personal data will always remain secure within a protected environment – prioritising satisfaction & protection before anything else!

When do we gather your personal data information?

We collect your personal data when you provide it to us through your communication with us by phone, email, instant messaging systems and submitting your information to us via inquiry form . We also may receive some of your personal data from third parties such as social media networks and other partners.

Additionally, we may collect certain anonymous data via normal website usage tracking technologies like cookies and web server logs. This anonymous information helps us improve the security and usability of our site, understand how visitors use the features available on our site and monitor for potential abuse or fraud that could be taking place.

For example, if you’re using search filters to find content on a particular topic or make a purchase from one of our online stores, that activity will be tracked anonymously in order to better understand user preferences and experiences with our products/services. This collected information is used solely for purposes related to analytics and marketing campaigns so that we can tailor messaging accordingly.

In addition to collecting personal data directly from users (as described above), we may also collect additional personal data about you through third party sources when necessary for certain verification procedures required by law as well as compliance with internal policies regarding anti-fraud activities.
Eg: We have contractual obligations with vendors who conduct electronic identity verification processes which include checking customers against 3rd-party databases containing lists of persons subject sanctions due diligence checks associated with money laundering regulations; they are required by law to ensure that all transactions comply fully with applicable laws/regulations around customer due diligence/anti-money laundering requirements etc .

Overall, any collection of personal data must meet specific legal standards under applicable laws in order for us to process it lawfully – only then do we store this sensitive information securely within systems designed specifically for authorised employees’ access only based on need-to-know basis.

Why you need to rely on us when it comes to your personal information?

When it comes to the information we gather from our customers, we at our removal company take privacy seriously. We are committed to protecting the safety and security of all our customers’ data and personal information, as well as ensuring the accuracy of all paperwork. Our Privacy Policy outlines the practices that are in place to protect customer data.

At its core, our policy states that we will never sell or share customer’s details with any third-party organization without their permission. Additionally, any confidential documents or records shared with us are only used for providing services requested by customers and never shared outside of this purpose. To ensure precise execution of transactions and invoicing matters related to removals, access is granted to qualified personnel within specific departments who possess pertinent knowledge related only to the task at hand under strict control and monitoring systems installed in place for maximum safety.

We also employ high-end security measures such as two-factor authentication (2FA) technology throughout each step of a customer’s journey with us—including when they book online or sign up via email —to protect sensitive areas like financial accounts from unauthorised access . This 2FA system further strengthens existing encryption protocols including 128/256 bit SSL encryption which eliminates potential threats both during transit an storage stages associated with managing private information about clients on file servers or cloud hosting accounts operated through reputable service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS).

If you have any additional questions about how we manage your data please don’t hesitate reach out directly so that one if our qualified representatives can address each concern securely over encrypted channels. You can always contact us via phone or email for more details regarding our Privacy Policy for full transparency on how your personal information is handled in accordance with industry standards when booking a removal job through us here at Excellent services company.

Who do we share your personal information with?

At Excellent Movers, we take great care to protect the privacy of our customers. We are committed to respecting and protecting your personal data as well as providing you with more control over how it is shared with us.

We do not share any of your personal data with third-parties for their own marketing or sales purposes. However, there are limited circumstances where we may need to share information about you, such as when:
1)Email delivery companies that help us send our emails to you securely.
2) Complying with a valid legal requirement, such as a court order;
3) Protecting against fraud or other harm;
4) When you have provided explicit authorization for disclosure; or
5) To fulfill contractual obligations that we owe to another party.

What are your right?

We understand you may have questions relating to the personal data we hold about you and your rights when it comes to how your information is handled. We are obligated by law to ensure that your data is safeguarded and that you understand what rights you have when it comes to its use.

At our removals company, we take our obligation seriously when it comes to protecting both the privacy of our customers and their right over their own personal data. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive privacy policy designed exactly for this purpose: To provide clear guidance on what rights you possess in regards to any personal data held by us, as well as a step-by-step explanation on how such information is handled in an effort to protect both yours and our interests.

Below are some of the main points covered within our Privacy Policy:

• You have the right of access – You can request copies of all personal data held about yourself from us, which must provided according in a timely fashion without unreasonable delay or additional cost.

• The right to correction – If inaccurate or out of date information is held on record then under GDPR regulations, they should be amended at no extra charge upon reasonable request.

• The right for erasure – You may revoke consent previously given regarding the processing or transfer of any personal data at anytime and/or if there’s no longer tangible need for us holding said information then again upon reasonable requests, we shall erase all relevant material if requested so do do by yourself (commonly termed “the Right To Be Forgotten”).

• The right with direct marketing – At anytime during communication with us where said communications could be seen as being used for actual or intended marketing purposes, then should taking such position not meet with user approval; immediately cease contact can be requested upon notification from yourself.

Our full Privacy Policy has been designed explicitly keeping in mind regular updates due changes legislation surrounding Data Protection Laws & Regulations along with protecting our customers’ vital interest across all jurisdiction where applicable & necessary